Well I'm exhausted. I just drove all night for almost 14 hours straight minus stopping to take photos, get gas and an oil change. 693 miles in all. Now I'm cozy in my bat mobile at probably, no for sure the nicest rest stop I've ever been to. I'm only able to post this right now because the rest stop has wi-fi. Also there's a heater vent right next to the shitter so when you sit down to duce drop your ass gets all nice and warm, there's also a heater overhead for the rest. Oh by the way- Dorothy this sure is Kansas! I was having dinner with some vintage woman at a "community table" in Santa Fe last night and one of them was telling me how awful the drive is to Indiana (where I'm visiting my buddy Nate). Well I don't think I'm going to take anyone's advice on what's ugly and what's not anymore because Kansas is breathtakingly beautiful. Don't get me wrong during the night part of the drive it was dull as shit but I didn't see one Highway Patrol and was able to hit speeds of 80-100 mph most of the way. Which reminds me, it took me several paranoid swerve's before I adjusted to the tumble weeds which fly across the highway and look like a pack of wild animals or martians.
Oh, also my popularity level in Santa Fe is almost equal to Bob Hope's in LA.
This picture was taken on an Indian reservation where there was a sign posted that read "no photographing, painting or recording this area by order of the Governor" I felt guilty for once but come on, I might not ever see my name on a road sign again. Especially with a cross street of Bald Eagle! "Yo man meet me at the corner of Kiva and Bald Eagle" "Oh word? I'll be there in a minute."
These next two are in New Mexico the rest were shot in Kansas...
Dodge City Beef Factory.
Signs can be a bit confusing out here...
Morning twilight, Kansas.
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