So I arrived at the Salton Sea around 10pm and it's the most creepy place I've been at night. I wandered around shooting on a long lens from my car window because I was too pussy to get out.
After sleeping at this truck stop-don't get me started on truck stop or gas station employees who work the graveyard shift, at this gas station you could buy everything from a shower to a Confederate flag (and this was still Cali). Anyways, I wandered around the Salton Sea which is about 1/3 as creepy during the day as it is at night. The Salton Sea offers amazing things to people such as houses on the market for $10k with no credit check and $1k down- sounds like my kind of place, and every ex-cons as well.After the Salton Sea it was on to the great state of Arizona where the police and local government hate Mexicans.
Here's what on the way to Arizona looked like.
I met up with my buddy Ren in Tempe where he was kind enough to give me a baller haircut and take me shotgun shopping-now that I'm in the real America and not California I want to fit in. The only problem was that the serious gun store where the guys are "knarly" was closed so we took a little trip to the local Big 5. WOW!!! You can get a pistol or a machine gun here for the price of dirt. The only problem was that the chubby chick working the gun counter couldn't explain simple gun safety regarding the double barrel Schwarzenegger I was holding. Which made me very nervous-I figured if I was going to cuddle with the thing in back of my car for the next 2 weeks I better know how to use it. So fuck it we ditched big 5.
Next we hit this pub where Ren and his band killed it. Later in the night a Native American Punk Rocker was giving away cowboy boots and fake leather jackets out of the trunk of his car. I eagerly copped a pair of white leather boots and a long leather coat. Looking like an 80's Vegas gangster only fueled the desire for that double barrel. Well I'm off to White Sands NM, so more on shotguns later.
funny shit